Institute of Education and Research
The Institute of Education and Research (IER) is located at Quaid-e-Azam Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore. The institute was established in September 1960 in cooperation with the School of Education, Indiana University, USA. It is the pioneer Institute in Pakistan for advanced studies in the field of education. The major aim of the institute is to provide advance teacher training. The institute has conducted several researches in collaboration with UNICEF, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNESCO, USAID, GTZ, AUSTaid, HEC, DSD, Government of the Punjab, and Government of Pakistan. It is a matter of honour for the institute that it has contributed a lot to the nation building by conducting national and international conferences, seminars, workshops, round table discussions, and symposia. The institute has provided thousands of trained teachers to the country at all levels. Many new departments and programs have been added to the institute since its inception. The enrolment rate in the institute has increased manifold. Curricula of various programmes of the institute are revised and updated regularly. Institute is also serving the nation by providing consultancy and expert advice to various national and international organizations in the field of education.