National Keynote Speakers
Dr. Rauf-i-Azam
Vice Chancellor
University of Education Lahore
Prof. Rauf I Azam isthe Vice Chancellor of University of Education, Lahore since August 28, 2015. He has also served as the Director of the University Institute of Management Sciences, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan from October 01, 2005 – August 27, 2015. In the past, he has served as Associate Dean at the Iqra University, Islamabad Campus; Assistant Professor at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad and Assistant Professor at Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus. The teaching career of Prof. Azam spreads over more than twenty years and has resulted in the provision of professional education to thousands of young men and women who are actively contributing to the progress of hundreds of organizations of all kind, and sizes.
Besides teaching at various universities and managing their operations for a long time, Prof. Azam has also been actively involved in training and consulting activities and has trained several thousands of professionals ranging from entry level to senior positions. As a consultant Prof. Azam has helped a number of businesses as well as development sector organizations on devising productivity improvement strategies, technology deployment, change management, project management, human resource development strategies and a number of other issues. Rich experience as an educationist and trainer combined with powerful communication skills make Prof. Azam a very effective professional.
Currently based in Lahore, Pakistan, Dr. Azam has traveled to and worked in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia and UAE.
Education: Why there’s a need to reinvent the purpose & practice?This talk will explore some of the contemporary challenges and opportunities surrounding the education sector in Pakistan and will touch upon the matters that necessitate a holistic overhaul of the 19th and 20th century systems which are crumbling under the contemporary burdens of access, quality and cost.
Moreover, building upon some of the examples from other industries and drawing analogies between them and the education sector an effort will be made to draw attention of the stakeholders towards the need to initiate a corrective process across the depth and breadth of the education system bringing more cohesion between various segments and making the education process more meaningful.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Hameed
Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities
School of Advanced Studies
Professor of Education
Founder Director,
Educational Testing Service
Founder Chairman,
Department of Special Needs Education
University of Management and Technology, Lahore
Ph.D. in Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. College of Education 1988, Master of Education, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Institute of Education and Research 1980.
Currently Dr. Abdul Hameed is Dean, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Management and Technology, Lahore June 2011 to date along with Dean, School of Advanced Studies University of Management and Technology, Lahore from April 2016 to date.
He was previously Professor and Chairman, Department of Special Needs Education, University of Management and Technology, Lahore since September 2009 and Director, School of Professional Advancement, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, from April 2008 to Sep 2009. He was also Professor and Chairman Department of Special Education Punjab University Lahore from 2000 to 2008
Dr. Abdul Also served as Associate Professor and Chairman, Department of Special Education Punjab University Lahore from 1995 to 2000 (on deputation); Associate Professor in the IER, Punjab University Lahore from 1993 to 1995; Assistant Professor in the IER, Punjab University Lahore from 1991 to 1993; and Lecturer in the IER, Punjab University Lahore from 1981 to 1991
Abstract of Keynote Address
A rapid increase in comforts of life and fast depleting natural resources have cautioned the world community to bring about a balance between the current consumption and conservation of resources for future generations. The World Commission on Environment and Development realized this issue in 1987 and put forward a new concept of development generally referred to as Sustainable Development (SD). The Commission defined SD as "It is improving people's life-enabling habits to meet our needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs" (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) strives to enable every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future for everybody. Three basic foundations of SD include sustainable economy, sustainable environment and sustainable social life. If education has to be truly transforming young mind for sustainable develeopment then its agenda needs substancialexpension so that our youth is fully capable to excell in all three areas i.e. ecnomicwell-being, healthy and safe environment and inclusive social life. This paper will identify major gaps in the education practice in vogue and share some of the key thought about how to bridge these gaps within our limited resources. Access, quality and equity have emerged as a major themes for innovation in education whithin in three broad areas. SDG 4 is a globally agreed-upon sustainable development goal asking fundamental changes in the way we understand and deliver education. This paper will also eloborate on implications of these global movement for education in future.
Professor of Education and Dean Faculty of Social Sciences,
International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan

Having studied and researched in traditional education and distance education fields, he hasacquired relevant competencies to deal with formal face-to-face education and distanceeducation systems. He has been in the field for over 27 years and dealt with different levels ofeducational systems from Secondary to University level as well as in policy makingorganization- Curriculum Wing of Federal Ministry of Education Pakistan holding academic aswell as administrative responsibilities. He has been widely published in different journals ofrepute both within Pakistan and outside. He has been publishing his research with highly reputedand recognized research journals over a decade. His work has got space in the InternationalJournals published not only in Pakistan, also from India, USA, Turkey, Japan, South Africa andAzerbaijan etc. He has also a privilege of being on the technical/advisory panel of manyinternational conferences. Moreover, He is member of different national and internationalprofessional organizations/ associations in the field of education and training. Prof. Jumani hasbeen guiding research scholars for M.Phil. and Ph.D. level in different areas of Human ResourceDevelopment/teacher education. In addition to that he has guided students for M.A. (Education)and M.Ed. also. He is also on the panel of external evaluators of PhD thesis in the universities oftechnologically advanced countries.
Dr. Nasir Mahmood
M. S. Ed (PU)., M.A.(Administrative Sciences),
Ph. D. (Tokyo),
Post-doc (Leeds), Endeavour Executive
Nasir Mahmood has a PhD degree, in the field of “Education Psychology” from Tokyo Gakugei University,Tokyo, Japan in 2001-04. He has completed Post doctorate in the field of Science Education from University of Leeds, UK. He is honored by the 2009 Executive Endeavour Award by Government of Australia at Assessment Research Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia. He has 20 years of experience working in education sector at different levels. Currently he is working with Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, as Professor and Dean, Faculty of Education. He has completed 41 research projects/grants as Principal, Co-Principal and team member. These grants/projects were funded by ODA, UK, PMSP-Asian Development Project, DFID Punjab Middle Schooling Project, ADB Teacher Training Project, UNESCO, HEC, UNICEF, University of Punjab, British Council, Gender Equity Program USAID and Teacher Education Project-USAID, and Allama Iqbal Open University. He has 32 research papers published in national and international peer reviewed journal. He has presented papers in more than fifty seminars, conferences and workshops at national and international level. He has been invited as Keynote Speaker in several conferences within country and abroad. More than 11 PhDs have been awarded under his supervision.
Abstract of Keynote Address
The purpose of this paper is to explore the contribution that teacher education can make to reorienting educational policies, programs and practices towards a sustainable future. This work has compiled the advances in the field of sustainable development, appreciate the contribution of teacher education to educating for a sustainable future and bring forth the avenues of reorienting teacher education for sustainability. Pakistan has failed to achieve MDG 2 with respect to all three indicators i.e. universal primary education, 88% literacy rate and gender parity (UNDP, 2015). Now the world has set a target to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all(SGD 4) by 2030. Government of Pakistan has committed to this uphill task (in the wake of failure to achieve MGD 2). If serious, we have to bring 7.2 million out-of-school children to school and provide them quality education for success in life. Teachers have pivotal role if this goal is to be realized in committed time period. If we are serious in purpose, it requires immediate attention of the government, bureaucracy, teacher preparation institutions and teacher’s professional bodies to demonstrate visible commitment to this cause through visionary policies, consistent support, coherent approach and trust on teachers. The countries, of similar or lower Socio-economic indicators, which achieved EFA and MDG targets have invested far more than us in teacher preparation, continuous professional development, teaching learning resources, support management for quality education and in the enrichment of management skills for head teachers and principals (UNESCO, 2015). Teacher education around the world has embarked upon ensuring higher degree of creativity and innovation in the training of teachers and inculcating education compatible with needs of 21st century citizens. This transformation in teacher education has taken place at three levels i.e. teacher preparation, recruitment and retention. Teacher preparation programs need to be revisited for content, pedagogy and relevance (Darling-Hammond 2006). A closer link between theory and practice is pre-requisite of teacher preparation, in line with house-job in medical profession. Shying from costs of organizing teachinig practice/internship/house job for teachers on completion of training programs bears far reaching negative impacts on education of students. The existing structure of teacher preparation cannot prepare teachers equipped to teach skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, innovation and adaptability. Teacher preparation musttherefore support teacher trainees acquire these skills while at the same time making the teachers to convey these to students. A closer liaison between school and teacher preparation institution is imperative for change of school culture geared towards providing an environment conducive to change. A greater congruence between teacher preparation and continuous professional development/in-service training is needed so that they can complement each other. In conclusion, this is high time to recognize the huge role teachers can play in achieving the SDGs but they need to be equipped and sustained to embrace and play this role. Most governments have already embedded teacher education transformation in the national plans and policies and the hope is that there will be more congruence between policy and practice. We are obligedto effectively prepare and support teachers to deliver what is expected of them by community.
Dr. Arshad Ali
Professor of Education
Institute of Education & Research (IER),
University of Peshawar,
Khyber PakhtunKhwa, Pakistan
Sustainable Development through Education: Articulations,
Conditions and Responsibilities
Abstract of Keynote Address